Free Toilet Paper

When we tell people we give away our toilet paper for free most people are like woah that is really cool. But I do not think they fully understand the scope of what we offer these venues. I have had a lot of people say that is a cool idea, but would companies really be that excited about saving a couple thousand dollars? I find it interesting that people do not realize how much toilet paper these large public venues truly go through and in turn how much money they spend annually on toilet paper. Lets also remember this is a fixed cost that venues have to buy.

First off think about how much toilet paper you use in your house. And how much is that toilet paper? Usually between $0.50 and $1 per roll ( I know I always felt as if I went through a lot of toilet paper and was always having to buy, and this was just my apartment! Now lets think about a large public venue such as the University of Michigan.

Large venues such as U of M enter into year long procurement contracts and get large bulk discounts, yet still pay almost $3 per roll for 1000’ and 2000’ jumbo rolls. These obviously last longer, but a venue like U of M procures toilet paper for all its campuses, buildings, stadiums, and dorms. That is a lot of toilet paper! So any guess about how much they spend per year on toilet paper? Over $80,000 every year just on toilet paper.

So now when people say oh what is that a couple thousand dollars in savings every year it is obvious how we answer? No, it is tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars year in and year out. This money can then be used for other things such as better procurement in other areas, a new staff member or hire, or an opportunity to invest. Yes University of Michigan is a large venue but what about a national company? What about a big box retailer, or a mall management company, or a movie theater chain? These companies spend millions of dollars a year on toilet paper. So what do you think the impact of free toilet paper is now?

We are in the unique position to offer public venues free toilet paper by using the revenue we bring in from the companies advertising on every roll. These companies benefit from unique ad placement, a captive audience, and the low price of half a cent per roll. Other companies are unable to match our price point of free and this helps us disrupt the status quo and add value to venues.


If you have a public venue and are interested in saving money every year by getting free toilet paper visit or email me at Not only do we give you free toilet paper, but it is a great talking point and will get new customers coming in your door. Check out the press our current venues got by visiting the press tab on our website.

And remember, Don’t Rush, Look Before You Flush!

About jordanstp

Co-Founder of Star Toilet Paper
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2 Responses to Free Toilet Paper

  1. Ruth Zaritsky says:

    Great points made!!

  2. harry silverman says:

    All owners of a public venue should rush in a flush to star toilet paper.

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