
The status quo is a fickle thing. I do not know what about makes it so difficult to overcome, but people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds seem to be enthralled with it. Most people speak of the status quo as a tool used by the rich and powerful to keep themselves at the top of the mountain. In my experience over the last two years this is not the case. Of course this is true and it makes sense, but some of our most frustrating clients and users are people who should be doing everything in their power to change the way things are. Whether this is a company near bankruptcy, or someone in the middle class stuck in a dead end job these have been the people in our short two year experience that we have the hardest time convincing about our product.

Why is this the case? Why is it that people who complain day in and day out that life is unfair and are stuck in a rut are the ones who cannot get past the stigma or “safeness” of our product? Should these not be the exact people championing our cause? Should they not be the ones saying look at this company trying to take on the status quo head on they are an inspiration. But no, it is these people that say is this product safe or why would a company advertise on toilet paper?

Now from the onset back in August of 2010 we knew how difficult it would be to overthrow the industry standard of toilet paper and advertising. The industry standard has done amazing over the last 100 years and is where it is because of this success. However, we looked at the current market and said this is ripe for an overthrow and that is what we are trying to do. There has been little change in both industries for fifty years due to a combination of great leadership, great products, and luck. However, we feel as if we have found a unique product that is innovative and crazy enough to work. Through trials and tribulations we have been successful up to date and I want to take this blog post to thank those who have doubted us.

To many this may seem like a weird thing to thank people for, but every member of our team and anyone who has ever ran their own business knows exactly what I am talking about. If it was not for these people we would not be nearly as far along as we are. This ranges from people straight up telling us the company won’t work to the look in the eye of people who say oh cool but really mean look at this kid what does he know. At first you get frustrated when people tell you these things and look at you like this, but after some time you come to savor it. You start to look forward to the skeptics and work day and night to prove them wrong.

We here at Star Toilet Paper are excited for the day when we are in every public bathroom in America and a major form of advertising overtaking our competitor, the industry standard. I am not excited for what it will mean for the financials of the company, but instead for the look on those peoples faces who doubted us when they come face to face with our toilet paper. I want them to think wow I really missed the boat on this one and that is what drives our team everyday.

I think there is a fine line between cockiness and confidence and our team toes that line everyday. It is what makes us successful. It is what has allowed us to get 7 venues, 70 advertisers, and overcome daily failures and adventures. Keep your eyes peeled status quo because we are coming for you.

This blog post goes out to the skeptics and people who feel as if what we are trying to do cannot be done. Whether this is potential employees telling us working with us is too risky, investors saying they are not interested, clients telling us we have a terrible idea, or a user complaining about the “lack of safety” of our toilet paper I thank you on behalf of my team. I also want to thank my entire team for making this possible. We are perfectionists and hard workers and hungry to disrupt the status quo.

If you are interested in keeping up with the future of Star Toilet Paper like us on facebook at www.facebook.com/startoiletpaper. And remember, Don’t Rush, Look Before You Flush! 

About jordanstp

Co-Founder of Star Toilet Paper
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